Friday, August 2, 2013

Templates Review JazzMaster - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

Themeforest Review WordPress Business JazzMaster - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

JazzMaster is Responsive Business WordPress theme which offers great scalability and fits small companies as well as large corporates. The theme is packed with features but at the same time so easy to use. Customize and brand even your WordPress administration – including custom admin dashboard widget and login screen!

Dear customer, please, feel free to leave a feedback/rate the theme in downloads section of your themeforest accounts after using the theme for some time. Thank you :)

Watch the theme installation and setup video (including demo content).

Version 2.4 released (on May 31, 2013) – WordPress 3.6 ready!

Version 2.4 changelog:

  • Added: WordPress 3.6 ready
  • Added: Option to disable PrettyPhoto lightbox
  • Added: Option to disable theme’s CSS caching
  • Added: Link relationship option for project custom link
  • Updated: Custom image link (set in “slider” section of the image) applies on gallery images in slider
  • Updated: Admin area updates
  • Updated: PrettyPhoto works with “lightbox” CSS class
  • Updated: Removed shortcodes from post widget excerpts
  • Updated: Twitter widget
  • Updated: Inteligent comment form placement
  • Updated: Multirow toggle/accordion titles
  • Updated: Better WPML plugin support
  • Updated: Updated scripts, plugins (normalize.css, jquery.imagesloaded, jquery.jplayer, Revolution Slider 2.3.91)
  • Updated: User manual updates
  • Fixed: Paginated page slider display
  • Fixed: Slider display on blog page
  • Fixed: Fading effect not working on gallery in slider area
  • Fixed: Current page ancestor not active in menu
  • Fixed: Logo separator displayed even when no description set
  • Fixed: Posts featured images links on blog pages
  • Fixed: Admin area styling issues

JazzMaster’s Awesomness

JazzMaster theme features

Those are just some of the features this amazing theme offers. You will get complete control over design of your website (12 skins included and infinite possibilities to change theme design), over layout of pages, over project page layout, over SEO options (you won’t need any 3rd-party plugin anymore, but these are also supported), it will let you create amazing icon menus with buttons (if required), use shortcodes and styles easily. As a bonus there are several icon packs and custom graphics packed with the theme (some are third party packages – please see theme documentation for credits) as well as easy to install demo content XML.

Thanks to instructions integrated directly into WordPress’ contextual help you won’t get stuck while using the theme. There is also thorough online documentation always available.

Ever wanted to give your clients a special access to certain pages of your website? JazzMaster allows you to do so without a need of any plugin. Check the options for this amazing Client Access functionality in theme admin panel.

Do you need the WordPress admin to match your brand? It has never been easier to brand your website administration area before. With JazzMaster you will be able to set up and customize even a custom admin dashboard widget (to welcome your website users and provide quick access links, for example) and login screen.

Slider Revolution! Responsive WordPress Plugin included

Theme integrates amazing Slider Revolution! Responsive WordPress Plugin (worth $15) which let’s you create impressive slideshows for your pages using WYSIWYG editor!

Responsive design

JazzMaster looks great on desktops as well as on tablets and smartphones. What more, you will be able to choose from 2 different website widths and if not required, you can disable responsive design.

Cutting edge technology - HTML5 and CSS3

Theme is build using the latest coding standards and technology. Even a JavaScript effects degrade gracefully. There are several different jQuery sliders available in the theme to promote your content.

Unbranded WebMan Admin Panel

And surely, you can edit all the theme options using great, beautiful and easy to use WebMan Admin Panel that has been updated and debranded!

What customers say?

I have tried multiple themes for an e-commerce business I am starting up. The previous two themes, both top sellers, had massive conflicts with my commerce plugins. This theme is the most flexible, feature packed, and easy to use by far. I also wanted to mention here that Oliver has been very responsive to any questions or support matters. His responses were detailed, timely and solved any conflict issues. Excellent work, and thank you again. This theme is fantastic!
– graduatecareercentre
Amazing support. Wonderfull design. New releases listening customers needings. What else do you need for a perfect theme!
– argos
Okay, having used it for a bit… I am in love. BRILLIANT!
– bmacstudio
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Fantastic work! I have purchased immediately.
– xepono

JazzMaster’s Key Features

  • Clean modern responsive design, wide or narrow layout
  • Wordpress 3.3+ Ready
  • Cross browser support
  • New great Client Access functionality
  • 46+ shortcodes (not counting their variations ;) ) easily managable with Shortcode Generator, supplemeted/replaceable with Styles
  • Switchable theme featuers = great scalability
  • 8 different page templates (you can disable unnecessary ones) including “Under Construction” (with countdown timer) and “Landing Page” (with custom menu and tracking code options)
  • 7 custom post types (switchable and manageable) for easy content management
  • True visual editor (when using Styles)
  • Infinite number of custom widget areas, flexible widget areas layout
  • Custom error 404 page
  • Using WordPress internal image resizer, you can choose what image sizes (aspect ratios) should be used in different website areas
  • Page and post options available specially for each page template / post format selected (you won’t be bothered with irrelevant options)
  • 7 custom widgets
  • Optional automatic attachments download list generated for posts and pages
  • Easy to use advanced WebMan Admin Panel (white label)
  • 12 skins and infinite colors and backgrounds + any page, post, project or staff profile page can have its own background image
  • Complete control over website’s design
  • Supports WordPress navigation menus – you can create multi level dropdown navigation that will work even when JavaScript’s turned off, use icons and inline shortcodes in navigation, transform menu items into buttons, align menu items, use descriptions
  • 5 different jQuery sliders (including amazing Revolution Slider) + ability to use any slider plugin that supports shortcode insertion
  • 7 post formats supported (also switchable ;) )
  • Classic and masonry blog layout
  • Sharing buttons, custom feed links
  • Multiple portfolios support with custom project page layout
  • Customizable sidebar width, unlimited widget areas (sidebars) set for every page individually
  • Self-hosted audio and video support
  • Custom fonts (any, not just Google WebFonts)
  • Great WordPress gallery improvements
  • Optimized CSS stylesheet and JavaScript files
  • SEO optimized valid HTML5 code
  • Security options
  • Child themes support
  • Improved WordPress image uploader settings, media library enhancements
  • Customizable login screen and WordPress admin area – you can match those to your brand
  • Translation ready (with .PO files included and support for WPML plugin). The theme separates translation into 4 sections for easy manipulation: front-end, basic admin area extensions, contextual help and theme admin panel translation.
  • Several icon packs, website backgrounds, custom social icons, slider backgrounds, patterns and custom graphics (computer monitor, laptop, tablet and smartphone) included in download package
  • Thorough User Manual available anytime even online
  • Color-coded widgets and widget areas in WordPress admin for better orientation
  • Demo content XML file included
  • Theme settings export
  • ...the list would go on and on, really ;)

Support forum

If you need support, feel free to to ask on dedicated support forum. I usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in the queue. Support request sent during weekends or holidays will be processed on the next business day.


Version 2.3 – 11/04/2013

  • Added: Theme options can be saved into presets
  • Added: Option to add custom contact field into Staff posts
  • Added: Author editing for custom post types
  • Added: Automatic accordion shortcode animation speed setup
  • Added: WMPL plugin language selector styles for top bar
  • Added: Option to display full blog posts on blog pages
  • Added: Using more tag in author biographical info
  • Updated: Admin interface and functionality
  • Updated: Option for better control of archive page titles via CSS
  • Updated: Better de-branding options
  • Updated: Comments form texts can be redefined in child theme
  • Updated: Using smaller images for masonry blog layout
  • Updated: Blog loops were rebuilt for making pagination work all the time
  • Fixed: Theme options export/import issue
  • Fixed: “Blog” in breadcrumbs when on Staff page
  • Fixed: Form text field placeholder text alignment issue on Safari browser
  • Fixed: Static image slider on blog page doesn’t stretch
  • Fixed: Staff LinkedIn contact is not being removed when empty field set

Version 2.2.1 – 27/03/2013

  • Fixed: Admin area issue introduced in version 2.2

Version 2.2 – 26/03/2013

  • Added: Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin integration (automatic theme updates)
  • Added: Option to open Logos custom link in the same or new window
  • Added: Option to disable rich Staff profile page per staff member
  • Added: Sample child theme
  • Updated: Admin area styles and functionality
  • Updated: Minor front end styling
  • Updated: Hiding antispam enabled emails when JavaScript not enabled
  • Updated: Theme updater
  • Updated: Scripts and plugins (Revolution Slider 2.3.4, HTML5Shiv, jQuery.jPlayer, jQuery.Masonry, Isotope, Normalize.css and Nivo Slider)
  • Fixed: Redirect page template not working with sub-sub-pages
  • Fixed: Admin area JavaScript issue (coliding with some plugins) on post/page edit screen
  • Fixed: Search pagination when Client Access functionality enabled
  • Fixed: Image deformation in Internet Explorer 8 when image height set
  • Fixed: Custom image field issue on Internet Explorer 9
  • Fixed: PrettyPhoto styling issue

Version 2.1 – 24/02/2013

  • Added: Enabled custom fields metabox for Projects
  • Added: Better compatibility with JetPack plugin
  • Added: Option to disable website name in SEO meta title
  • Updated: Admin area updates
  • Updated: Improved code
  • Updated: Improved SEO meta title
  • Fixed: Font Awesome 3.0 classes
  • Fixed: Removed audio player looping
  • Fixed: Front page contains only one H1 tag
  • Fixed: Some typos
  • Fixed: Better ID generation for [section] shortcode

Version 2.0 changelog – 06/02/2013

  • Added: Project custom link actions
  • Added: Option to add Projects to RSS feed (by default they are being removed from now on)
  • Updated: Demo content
  • Updated: Slider Revolution updated to version 2.2.4
  • Updated: Font Awesome updated to version 3.0
  • Updated: PrettyPhoto updated to version 3.1.5
  • Updated: Several frontend CSS styles
  • Updated: Improved functionality
  • Updated: Improved compatibility with SEO plugins
  • Updated: PrettyPhoto works with rel=”prettyphoto” parameter
  • Updated: Admin area texts
  • Updated: Update notifier
  • Fixed: Masonry blog styling issue

Version 1.9.5 changelog – 19/01/2013

  • Updated: Content Module shortcode functionality
  • Fixed: Minor menu issue when restricted access to a page
  • Fixed: Displaying alt parameter for slider images
  • Fixed: Login logo stretching on Safari browsers

Version 1.9 changelog – 16/01/2013

  • Added: New simpler GPS coordinates finder
  • Added: Google Authorship support via Yoast WordPress SEO plugin
  • Added: Plugin installation notifier
  • Updated: Revolution Slider updated to version 2.1.7
  • Updated: Admin area improvements
  • Updated: Theme update notifier
  • Updated: Code optimizatons
  • Fixed: Nivo slider links
  • Fixed: Facebook button overflow
  • Fixed: Twitter button link
  • Fixed: Minor menu issue when restricted access to a page
  • Fixed: Client area (restricted access) uppercase letters in user name
  • Fixed: Pagination for multiword search
  • Fixed: Minor styling issues
  • Fixed: Content images positioning

Version 1.8 changelog – 27/12/2012

  • Added: Better support for child themes
  • Added: Custom posts counts in “Right Now” dashboard widget
  • Added: New [icon] shortcode
  • Added: Using inline HTML in tab titles
  • Updated: Styles for social icons in top bar
  • Updated: Admin styles
  • Updated: Revolution Slider updated to version 2.1.6
  • Updated: User manual
  • Fixed: Search form placeholder text displaying on Internet Explorer browsers
  • Fixed: “Custom” map style title is translatable now
  • Fixed: Posts (blog) page main heading settings

Version 1.7 changelog

  • Added: WordPress 3.5 support
  • Updated: Revolution Slider updated to newest version supporting WordPress 3.5
  • Updated: Removing gallery images from slider on gallery posts
  • Updated: Administration updates
  • Updated: Buttons styles
  • Fixed: Nivo slider caption issues

Version 1.6 changelog

  • Added: Option to set the default map styling on Contact page
  • Updated: Admin area styling
  • Fixed: Display of “underline” button in visual editor
  • Fixed: Audio and video player styling issues
  • Fixed: FAQ filter default color set to accent color
  • Fixed: Staff info page content issue when theme SEO disabled

Version 1.5 changelog

  • Added: Option to order Prices posts inside price tables
  • Added: Testimonials shortcode can display private posts (so they can be further more hidden from blog page)
  • Updated: Updated Revolution Slider, Nivo and Flex slider
  • Updated: Much improved support for 3rd party SEO plugins
  • Updated: User manual
  • Fixed: Styling issue when slider is turned off but slider under website header option is still set
  • Fixed: Skype contact links in staff list/pages
  • Fixed: Author archive author info social links
  • Fixed: Issue with HTTPS protocol used on Vimeo videos
  • Fixed: Page main heading icon issue when page set as a “Posts page” in WordPress Settings > Reading
  • Fixed: Broken testimonials featured image when HTML and/or shortcodes used in quote author name field
  • Fixed: Issue with custom comments introduction text
  • Fixed: “Pin it” button made valid HTML

Version 1.4 changelog

  • Added: Option to disable images in posts, projects and staff shortcode
  • Added: Levitate effect in Revolution slider
  • Added: Option to disable WordPress admin menu items repositioning
  • Added: Easier repositioning of custom post menu items in admin
  • Added: Option to change “Related projects” text
  • Updated: Responsive Flex, Nivo and Refineslide slider caption
  • Updated: Theme admin area styling
  • Updated: User manual updates
  • Updated: Map styles
  • Updated: Revolution slider admin styles
  • Fixed: Tour tabs bug (when displaying unordered list inside tabs)
  • Fixed: Accordion in tabs bug
  • Fixed: Improved theme administration for WordPress site network

Version 1.3 changelog – 02/11/2012

  • Added: Awesome Revolution Slider added!
  • Added: Opening project images/videos in “lightbox” effect in projects list
  • Added: Blog archive pages masonry layout option
  • Added: Option to set up top padding on main theme navigation
  • Added: Very basic WooCommerce plugin integration
  • Added: Support for any slider plugin that integrates with shortcodes
  • Updated: Theme front-end styling
  • Updated: Theme admin area styling
  • Updated: Theme options reorganization (some options moved from “Design” to “Layout” section)
  • Updated: User manual updated
  • Fixed: Some styling issues (like buttons in Nivo slider caption viewed on Internet Explorer browsers)

Version 1.2 changelog – 27/10/2012

  • Added: Print stylesheet
  • Added: Hover over menu items
  • Updated: Shortcodes in [raw] shortcode output issue
  • Updated: GZIP turned off by default, option to enable it in theme admin panel
  • Updated: Admin user experience
  • Updated: Theme admin panel texts
  • Fixed: ID parameter applied on sections of Sections page template
  • Fixed: Improved responsiveness of submenus in right navigation menu
  • Fixed: 1 column gallery image sizes and logic

Version 1.1 and 1.1.1 changelog – 25/10/2012

  • Added: Masonry blog layout
  • Added: Project comments
  • Added: Gzip compression
  • Added: Changed alignemt on submenu of main menu item with class of “subright” (also updated Contextual Help about this)
  • Updated: Main stylesheet cache expiration prolonged to 7 days
  • Updated: Some minor styling on front-end
  • Updated: Styles of admin
  • Updated: Some texts (see translation file changes in changelog filelist)
  • Fixed: iPhone styling issues
  • Fixed: Login form shortcode styling made responsive
  • Fixed: Broken layout for certain search terms

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

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