Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Themes Download Vision - Corporate Template with CMS and Shop

Themes Download CMS Themes Custom Vision - Corporate Template with CMS and Shop

Php 5.4+ Fix ( white page when loading the site )

Please update admin/lib/common.php and install/lib/common.php with

This is a full website template with full seo support and an e-commerce module, that is complex enought to satisfy all you needs.

But the most important is that it contains a custom advanced content management sistem (CMS), that we hope is a very good alternative to the Wordpress themes. All the content is flexible, you can enable/disable modules, add a module more than once, reorder items in backend and many other facilities. The best would be to see it for yourself…

WordPress & HTML Versions

Advanced PHP CMS Preview

Front-end (to preview changes):
Administration Panel:
Username: demo
Password: demo

Key Features

Our Template is entirely editable, using a very logical CMS which is way better than the Wordpress solution.
Full seo support html: the html code is extremely seo-friendly, so that every page can be optimized individually and has ‘friendly urls’.
Modular design: you can choose what modules to use and how often you want to use a certain type of module.
Google Analytics, Ownership verifications using meta tags – directly from CMS.
Automatic generation of Google and Yahoo sitemaps (googlemaps.xml and urllist.txt).
Easy image-manipulation from the admin panel (cropping, resizing, uploading, etc.).
Efortless installer: all you need to do is to give permissions to a certain folder, from there on it will do the rest for you.
Complex E-Commerce module, with full PayPal support.
The Gallery and Portfolio modules support uploading of movies and youtube clips.


- Home Page Our frontpage comes with an impressive jQuery homepage slider, with 6 different staging effects, and a number of content boxes in the page middle (you can add as many as you want from the admin panel). The greatest thing about this frontpage is that it has 2 top-slider variations: one with large background images and another one with small images. So feel free to choose the version that better suits your needs.

- About: Displays unlimited amount of text, editable from CMS using the popular editor fckeditor, with autogeneration menu (multiple-pages support). The text is displayed in category pages, also allowing you to introduce side widgets, subtitles, tables and lists to this descriptive module.

- Blog: Our complex blog module is based on the Wordpress architecture, but it’s a lot easier to manage and, along with the rest of this site, is a great weblog page. Its key features are:

  • countless labels and topic
  • search topics
  • view monthly archive
  • view all topics written by a certain author
  • view all topics containing a tag
  • widgets for:

- latest posts
- categories
- latest Twitter posts
- latest Flickr photos
- popular tags
- search topics

  • enable/disable comments for any topic you want
  • pagination for comments, to avoid crowded pages
  • enable/disable administrator moderation for comments
  • latest global comments and latest comments for each topic
  • rss feeds for all topics
- E-Shop: A complex module you can use to safely and elegantly sell and ship your products. Here’s a set of the main features:
  • three types of landing pages:
    - featured products
    - latest products
    - categories list
  • category pages
  • search results
  • unlimited amount of products
  • various widgets for sidebar:
    - latest products
    - best sold
    - just sold
    - last visited
    - related products
    - categories etc.
  • unlimited product variations (ex: size, color, etc.)
  • support for specifications tables
  • discounts per ordering amount
  • taxing classes (VAT)
  • shipping table and calculators
  • downloadable products (after the order is completed, your buyer will receive an email with URLs for all the available products to download)
  • full PayPal support (including IPN)
  • ordering management, directly from the admin panel
  • notification emails for new orders, for pending orders (when the payment was made with e-check) and for the administrator
  • supports all currencies available through PayPal

- Gallery This module supports an unlimited number of albums, each with countless images included. You can choose between a simple gallery or a gallery with albums and categories, both versions supporting photo, swf or youtube files upload. The larger image versions open in lightbox. The Gallery module also displays widgets for categories and latest photos.

- Quotes (testimonials) This page tells a story to your visitors, by displaying your clients’ oppinion about your work and the professional relationship with your company.

- FAQs: Displays a list of frequently asked questions that your clients might have before purchasing your products and your answers for these questions.

- Simple (Text) Page You can use this component for sections with only one page (e.g. Privacy Policy).

- Contact: Smart contact module, with message archive and the possibility to redirect your email to various addresses, depending on the department selection. Editable email (notifies the administrators) and autoresponder for the clients (to let them know the recipient received it). It also has widgets for locations and directions, as well as a quick contact form and some additional explanatory text (all editable from the admin).

- Links / Business Directory: It displays lists of URLs, compatible to your site’s needs (it can be documentation, sponsors or even your online portfolio projects), and also category directories.

- Portfolio Our complex portfolio is structured in categories, projects and for each project you are able to upload an unlimited number of images, swf or youtube files: whatever you find relevant for your visitors. Project navigation is easy, without having to return to index.

- Styles This module is a skin-selector, that includes a drop-down list of 5 skins for our Vision template: feel free to choose the one you find is appropriate for your needs.

- Shopping Cart This component belongs to the ‘E-Shop’ module and is active while your visitors are shopping inside your virtual Vision store. You are able to view your cart contents and checkout through PayPal.

- Footer Editor This module supports multiple types of blocks, that you can reorder by choice: - URLs (pointing to other interest sites)
- latest topics linked to a blog module
- latest images linked to a gallery module
- latest news linked to a news module
- social bookmarking links

A file with all functionality can be seen here


We are offering support for this template only on the Vision – Corporate and Portfolio Template with CMS and E-Shop Support Forum

We are open for suggestions regarding our future templates and we encourage you to send us hints or any sort of feedback, to help us improve our products’ quality. If you need extra modules built for your special needs, we also perform custom work.

Enjoy this new release from OXYLUS.

Here are some of our interesting works on themeforest :

Featured Product

Fluxglide Complete HTML5 Website with Shop and CMS

Custom CMS Complete Templates (with Admin Panel)

Fluxglide Complete HTML5 Website with Shop and CMS Robust Business & Portfolio Template w CMS & SHOP Vision - Corporate Template with CMS and Shop inFocus - Powerful Professional Template w/ E-Shop Full CMS Business Template with 2 Skins Full CMS Business Template 01

Admin Templates

Equinox Admin Panel 2 Skins UltraAdmin Full Control Panel 4 Skins Clean CSS Admin Multiskin Black White Red Blue FlexiAdmin Control Panel Liquid 4 Skins Complete Liquid Admin Control Panel Meta Admin v1 Advanced Admin Panel 01

Creative Portfolio Templates

Easy Portfolio Template with 6 Skins Inkstain Complete Portfolio Website with 2 Skins Immersive Animated Portfolio Template 3 Skins Single Page Portfolio 01 with 7 Skins Slick Animated Portfolio Template 3 Skins Ultimate Animated Portfolio Template 2 Skins

Site Templates

Business Complete Website 02 Corporate Complete Website 01 Complete Business Template with 2 Skins Transportation Website Full 01 Software Company Website 01 Restaurant Website 01 Corporate - Learning Website 02 Corporate - Learning Website 01 Health Ecommerce Site Full 01 Software Ecommerce Site Full 01

Coming Soon Placeholder Templates

Coming Soon Under Construction 03 4 Skins Coming Soon Under Construction 02 4 Skins Coming Soon Under Construction 01 2 Skins

PSD Templates

Asmo PSD Premium vCard CV Resume Template Holiday Beach Shop Website 01 Artist Portfolio Website 01 Advanced Portal Website 01

Don’t forget to check out our ActiveDen Profile.

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