Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Templates Review Ultimo - Fluid Responsive Magento Theme

Themes Download eCommerce Magento Ultimo - Fluid Responsive Magento Theme

Important info

Ultimo is a premium Magento theme with advanced admin module. It’s extremely customizable, easy to use and fully responsive. Suitable for every type of store. Great as a starting point for your custom projects.

Compatible with Magento: 1.5.x (,, 1.6.x (,,, 1.7.x (,,

Features overview


Customizable design

You have never seen so many options! You can change the visual appearance of almost every element of the design. Your imagination is your only limit.

Change colors of almost 50 elements using color pickers, apply textures for header, footer and for the entire page, upload background image and configure its properties (position, repeating, attachment), change font and font-szie, and many many more…

Customizable design

Click to view


Customizable responsive layout

Ultimo supports wide screens. In the admin panel you can select the maximum width of the page (from 1024 to 1680 pixels) or even specify your custom non-standard width.

Fluid width

Design is optimized for all the most popular screen resolutions. When screen is resized, design elements are transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 240 to 1680 pixels) in order to adapt to the current resolution. Width of the page is fluid, but you can also disable fluid width: in that case the width will only be changed on breakpoints.

Fluid grid

Fluid grid

Fluid grid system

Ultimo is based on fluid grid system (12-column)
so it always uses maximum available width
of the screen to display content. It can be displayed
on any screen.


Customizable product page

You can choose the layout of the home page: one, two or three columns. Display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. Enable/disable Magento’s default sidebar blocks.

Home page

Home page layout

Content areas

Areas for custom content on the home page:

  1. Slideshow with additional banners
    (left or right side)
  2. “Preface”, block for custom content
    above the columns
  3. “Postscript”, another block for custom content
    below the columns
  4. Left column, contains 3 custom blocks
  5. Main content area for any custom content,
    such as product sliders, banners etc.
  6. Right column, contains 3 custom CMS blocks


Customizable product page

Clean and readable product page – your customers can easily find all important information.

Customizable product page

Configurable width of the main columns, prominent brand logo (with link to other products), product image (customizable size) with Cloud Zoom and lightbox, tabs smoothly turning into accordion on narrow screens, additional custom tabs and CMS blocks, sliders for related and up-sell products, social bookmarks, customizable product options… In short – adjust product page to suit your needs.


Customizable products grid

Customize the display of products grid in category view. Set one of these options
1) hide, 2) show 3) show only on mouse hover – for the following elements: “Add to cart” button, ratings (stars), “Add to wishlist” and “Add to compare” links.

Customizable products grid Customizable products grid

Show or hide Magento grid elements

Show/Hide/Show on-hover

Each of the following elements can be displayed
on mouse hover or completely removed:

  1. “Add to wishlist” and “Add to compare” links
  2. Ratings (stars) and number of reviews
  3. “Add to cart” button

Fluid, auto-adapting products grid

Set custom number of columns (products in a row): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 for default screen resolution.
On wider (or narrower) screens the number of columns will automatically adapt to the current resolution (it will also adapt itself whenever the size of the web browser window is changed). For example, on wide screens the number of columns will be automatically increased to show more products in a row.

Fluid products grid


Mobile friendly main menu

Switch between 2 styles of the drop-down menu: wide [demo] or classic [demo]. In wide menu you can display links in 4-8 columns. You can also display your custom content in a drop-down block. Colors are fully customizable.

Wide menu, classic drop-down menu


Info for developers

1. Create custom sub-themes

Unlike many other themes, Ultimo lets you create your custom sub-themes (theme variants). You can create season-specific designs to change the look of your store for holidays, Christmas etc.

That’s very useful and very easy because Ultimo is independent from Magento’s “default” theme – it’s a separate design package (not a variant of Magento’s “default” theme). The most important advantages:

  • custom sub-themes are upgrade-proof
  • less code to maintain
  • selected functionality can be shared between many themes

2. Starting point for custom project

Ultimo can serve as a great foundation to implement individual designs for your clients.

3. No Magento core files were modified

All layout modifications are stored in local.xml so all of the original layout files are kept intact.


Key features


  • Customizable design - change the visual appearance of almost every element
  • Unlimited colors – change colors of dozens of elements, apply textures, upload custom background images
  • Google Fonts – integration with all available Google Fonts
  • Custom font stack – ability to select standard web-safe fonts (e.g. Arial, Verdana) or define custom font stack (e.g.: Arial, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, sans-serif)


  • Customizable responsive layout – custom maximum width of the page, supports wide screens
  • Fluid grid system (12-column) – the theme always uses maximum available width of the screen to display content. It can be displayed on any screen. Fluid width can be disabled


  • 2 menu styles - wide mega menu [demo] or classic drop-down menu [demo]
  • Custom content blocks – add any content (images, text, HTML) inside category drop-down menu, for every 1st-level and 2nd-level category
  • Custom links – display custom links in the main menu bar
  • Customizable size – adjust number of columns inside drop-down menu
  • Accordion (mobile menu) – on mobile devices the menu turns into collapsible accordion. Set the value of the web browser wievport width below which the menu turns into accordion
  • Category labels – eye-catching labels for categories (customizable colors ant text)
  • Sidebar menu – display menu (categories) in the sidebars and in any custom block
  • Fully customizable colors


  • Fluid products grid - display from 2 to 7 columns of products on category pages. On wide screens the number of columns will be automatically increased to show more products in a row
  • Customizable grid – configure the display of the following elements (they can be visible, visible only on mouse hover, or completely removed): “Add to cart” button, ratings (stars), “Add to wishlist” and “Add to compare” links
  • Alternative images – show alternative product image on mouse hover in category view and in product sliders
  • Equal height of items in the category grid (can be enabled/disabled)
  • Keep the aspect ratio of product images (upload images of any dimensions, not necessarily square)
  • List of categories – menu at the top of the left sidebar. It can be hidden on mobile devices. List of categories can also be displayed in CMS blocks and on CMS pages


  • Brand logo on product page. Logo can be a link to any page (to category with products from that brand, to search results or to any CMS page). Alternatively brand names (simple text) can be displayed instead of logo images
  • Customizable image size on product page. Specify any size you like, images don’t have to be square – you can keep the aspect ratio
  • Cloud Zoom + Lightbox to enlarge product images. Use one of those methods or both at a time
  • Image gallery – enable/disable gallery mode in the Lightbox (previous/next image)
  • Tabs/accordion - tabs smoothly turns into accordion on lower screen resolutions
  • “Additional Information” tab for individual product attributes - create and display custom product attributes
  • 2 tabs for custom content – ready to display any static content: info about shipping, returns, sales, promotions or any other general information
  • Tabbed reviews - show product reviews on product page to improve SEO
  • Replace Related Products and Up-sell Products blocks with custom content. Replace completely or replace only if the product does not have any related/up-sell products. Or disable those blocks completely with just one click
  • Product sliders for Up-sell Products and Related Products. Now you can select as much related and up-sell products as you want


  • Home page slideshow - fully customizable, easy to use. “Slide” or “fade” effect, 30 easing methods, editable speed of movement and speed of transition and much more. Display any content in your slides (clickable or non-clickable images, complex HTML, anything), add captions above images
  • Slideshow + banners – additional banners (can be disabled) at the right or left side of the slideshow.
  • Hide slideshow on mobiles – ability to hide slideshow or slideshow banners on mobile devices
  • 1, 2, 3 columns layout – you can choose the layout of the home page: 1, 2 or 3 columns. Display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. Enable/disable Magento’s default sidebar blocks on home page.
  • List of categories – display block with the list of all categories in one of the sidebars
  • Brand slider - present all brands on the home page (or on any other CMS page or sidebar block)
  • “Featured Products” slider - display selected products on any page. Configure the number of products, number of columns (visible products), scrolling speed, automatic or manual scrolling, number of products that should move on animation. Ability to hide “Add to cart” buttons
  • “New Products” slider – automatically display products marked as “new”. Configure the number of products, scrolling speed, automatic or manual scrolling
  • Sliders on any page – fully customized sliders can be displayed on any CMS page and inside custom blocks
  • Multiple sliders – display multiple “Featured Products” sliders on a single page
  • Random products - display random products in the “Featured Products” sliders
  • Responsive image banners – display columns of custom banners using fluid grid system


  • One-click import - import CMS blocks and pages with sample content from the demo
  • 50+ CMS blocks - content placeholders (also called custom blocks) ready to display custom content in almost every part of the store. Using these placeholders you are able to insert your content into product page, shopping cart, checkout, header, footer, CMS pages etc. Everything edited from the admin panel
  • Large footer block with 2 rows of columns (from 1 to 6 columns in a row) for custom content. Put there your links, latest news or any other content
  • Social services bookmarks can be easily placed on the product page using one of the CMS blocks


  • “New” and “Sale” labels - mark your products with eye-catching labels. Text on the labels can be translated
  • Override default Magento header and footer links - those links are hard-coded in Magento but with this theme you can easily replace them with your custom links!

General Info

  • 150-pages user guide PDF - the best Magento theme documentation
    on themeforest
  • Multi-language ready – this theme can work with any language installed in your Magento
  • Multi-store ready – applicable for multi-store Magento installations.
    In multi-store installations multiple licences are required (one licence for each store).
  • Performance – images are merged into CSS sprites. This method is proven to greatly reduce the amount of HTTP request and significantly improve page load time
  • Optimized, well-structured and commented CSS
  • PSD files included (with basic layout structure + all interface icons for easy customization)

Future updates

After purchase, all updates are free of charge.
We guarantee that we will continue to update and improve this theme. Bug fixes are also guaranteed.

Plans for next updates (estimated release: July 2013):
  • ability to hide long product names
  • ability to upload separate background image for header section
  • more icons for custom content
  • new color options and other improvements


(re-download Ultimo theme to see the full log in Changelog.txt)

Version 1.5.1 (June 07, 2013)

  • when responsive layout is disabled, zoom may not work correctly on mobile devices
  • when viewing the website on an iPad it doesn’t scroll smoothly

Version 1.5.0 (June 05, 2013)

  • enable/disable responsive layout
  • empty cart can be hidden on mobile devices (if browser viewport is narrower than 480 pixels)
  • integration with all available Google Fonts
  • select font stacks (of standard fonts, such as Verdana, Arial etc.)
  • define custom font stack
  • select number of columns in products sliders and brand slider
  • display custom links in the main menu
  • set the value of the web browser wievport width below which the main menu turns into a mobile menu
  • additional color options, e.g. tabs and “Add to…” links on product page, interface icons
  • retina-ready icons (more will be added soon)
  • improved/simplified theme admin panel: no need to manually refresh CSS anymore
  • reorganized and improved CSS files
  • small layout and design improvements on product page
  • new additional layout of related products
  • alternative product image is displayed on mouse hover over the item, not over the image itself
  • brand logo: space in the link to search results (if there is a space in the brand name) was replaced by ”+”
  • modified HTML markup of custom icons (including social icons)
  • minor changes in the header static blocks
  • color of the header drop-down boxes can’t be changed (and is the same as color of the menu drop-downs)
  • product image is cut off in product sliders if width of the slider is not full-page

Version 1.4.0 (April 08, 2013)

  • Mega Menu with custom content blocks – add any content (images, text, HTML) inside category drop-down menu, for every 1st-level and 2nd-level category
  • eye-catching labels for categories in the menu
  • ability to disable main menu completely
  • main menu font size settings
  • “compare” block at the top of the page
  • search box color settings
  • additional footer color setings
  • simplified footer – it is possible to disable all blocks to show minimalistic footer
  • footer columns displayed as accordions on mobile devices
  • reorganized and improved drop-down menus: language and currency switchers, mini cart, “compare” block
  • reorganized and improved user guide
  • minor CSS improvements
  • width of the page calculation (IE8)
  • category view: incorrect display of grid with hover effect (IE8)
  • category view: incorrect display of “out of stock” with hover effect
  • can’t display two product labels at a time
  • related products slider: product cut off when screen is narrow

Version 1.3.2 (February 04, 2013)

  • alternative image on product hover in the grid view and in the home page product sliders
  • scroll to top button
  • enable/disable gallery mode in the lightbox on product page
  • fade-out on hover: brand logo in the brand slider and image in the home page slideshow (if the image is an anchor)

Version 1.3.1 (January 18, 2013)

  • ability to add top margin for the home page slideshow

Version 1.3.0 (January 17, 2013)

  • brand slider
  • brand logo image on product page can be replaced with brand name (simple text)
  • more layout options for the home page: 2 columns (with left or right sidebar) and 3 columns
  • new CMS blocks for custom content on the home page
  • additional banners at the side of the image slideshow (on the home page) – you can make the slideshow narrower
  • ability to hide slideshow or slideshow banners on mobile devices
  • multiple Featured Products slider on single page
  • “Sign Up” link is added automatically (in Magento’s Top Links) if customer is not logged in
  • documentation improvements

Version 1.2.0 (December 02, 2012)

  • reorganized and improved documentation
  • improved main menu for mobile devices: menu displayed as an accordion
  • block with the list of categories at the top of the left sidebar
  • list of categories can be hidden on mobile devices
  • list of categories can be displayed on custom blocks and pages

Version 1.1.0 (November 16, 2012)

  • compatibility with Magento 1.5.x
  • customize the display of category grid elements, e.g. hide/show/show-on-hover: “Add to cart” button, ratings (stars), “Add to wishlist” button etc.
  • enable/disable equal height of items in categoty grid
  • “New” and “Featured” products sliders: set number of items that should move on animation
  • “New” and “Featured” products sliders: ability to hide “Add to cart” buttons
  • customizable colors for social icons and product labels (“new”, “sale”)
  • caption for slides in home page slideshow (import static blocks to see examples)

Version 1.0.1 (October 22, 2012)

  • responsive layout settings are individual for each store view
  • import home page with banners examples

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