Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Themes Download Magnesium - Responsive Coming Soon Template

Themes Download Site Templates Under Construction Magnesium - Responsive Coming Soon Template


Responsive Coming Soon Template

Magnesium is a responsive template, which means you can use it with your phone, tablet, netbook, laptop, desktop, even with your fridge (you just need a pretty good one).

The template is built with jQuery, which quarantees your visitors to be amazed. Sliding and fading animations will make sure your visitor will visit your page more than once!

Coded with HTML5 & CSS3 . Newest technologies are used, but even IE is supported.

Javascript is ultimately configurable and the template is very easy to edit and translate to fit in your needs.

I used Fontello to compose a font for the social icons, download it here.
Instructions about usage are inside the main documentation.


  • v. 1.00 – First release
  • v. 1.01 – Fixed input color, smoother animations & borders, removed inline css

Planned updates

  • Retina displays
  • IE7
  • More JS options
  • More bg patterns

Known bugs

  • None! :P

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