Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Templates Review Fontaine - Clean Responsive Joomla Template

Themeforest Download CMS Themes Business Fontaine - Clean Responsive Joomla Template

Fontaine is a professional and business Joomla 2.5/3.1 template with a clean layout and elegant look. Its subtle touch makes it best suited for a corporate or business site. Fontaine comes packed with dozens widgets and an intuitive admin option panel.
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Fontaine is built on Warp framework, which gives the theme an immeasurable weight of flexibility and agility, fast loading – using built in compression of files, data URIs and gzip minification and that’s not all; We’ve topped it up with a unlimited color options ranging from bright to laid back colors and a bonus Kunena 3.0 Forum theme.

Features at a glance

  • Supports Joomla 2.5 and 3.1
  • Responsive Design
  • Unlimited color styles
  • 60+ Admin options
  • 50+ module positions
  • Kunena 3.0 Forum styling
  • Zoo & K2 Blog styling
  • Widgetkit Image slider
  • Flexible columns and template widths
  • Portfolio/Gallery up to 5 Columns
  • Cross browser compatibility
  • 10 Preset pages
  • arrowthemes-spacer
  • CSS3 Tags for blog
  • Multiple Page Layout Combination
  • Custom module variations
  • Accordions and Tabs
  • Module Popup Widget
  • Instant ajax Search
  • Block Title color spans
  • Custom 404 Error page and offline page
  • Easy shortcodes plugin
  • Extensive and robust typography
  • Joomla template overrides
  • Built on Warp framework


As a user of a previous theme from Arrowthemes, I just want to say that they stand behind their work. I applaud the support. ~ zoommsp
LOVE this template. It is exactly what I needed for my client who has a pediatric surgery center!. ~ VectorTheory
your template is really awesome and it was the best choice to buy your template. ~ ramin83
Hi, i bought this template …compliment cause is easy, clean, nice…good job. . ~ denisphi


Change Log

1.2.4 – 16-07-2013

 ^ Updated rokSprocket Component to v 2.0.2 ^ Updated Kunena Forum Component to v 3.0.1 ^ Updated Fontaine Kunena Template to v 3.0.1 ^ Updated Warp Framework to v 6.4.2 ^ Updated K2 component to v 2.6.7 # Fixed issue with module layout in Acymailing 4.3.0

1.2.3 – 11-06-2013

^ Updated Lycose admin Template to v 1.0.2 ^ Updated Widgetkit to v 1.4.5 ^ Updated rokcandy to v 2.0.0 ^ Updated ZOO Component to v 3.0.13 ^ Improved color picker in Warp admin panel # Fixed responsiveness issue in Kunena Template 3.0.0 # Fixed issue with K2 responsiveness in smaller screens # Fixed issue with deviantart social icon # css/js fixes and improvements

1.2.2 – 21-05-2013

+ Added roksprocket stripes styling + Added Kunena to Joomla 3.0 quickstart ^ Updated Joomla to v 2.5.11 (J 2.5) and 3.1.1 (J 3.0) ^ Updated Warp Framework to v 6.4.1 ^ Updated Widgetkit to v 1.4.3 ^ Updated ZOO Component to v 3.0.12 ^ Updated rokSprocket Component to v 1.8.10 ^ Updated Kunena Forum Component to v 3.0.0 ^ Updated Fontaine Kunena Template to v 3.0.0 ^ Updated Lycose admin Template to v 1.0.1 # Improved performance of bootstrap overrides # Fixed issue with deviantart social icon # Fixed issue with background image custom html module # Numerous css/js fixes and improvements - Deprecated ie.css

1.2.1 – 09-04-2013

^ Updated K2 component to v 2.6.6 ^ Updated Widgetkit Component to v 1.4.2 # Improved bootstrap compatibility in Joomla 3 # Fixed issue with Joomla 2.5 quickstart

1.2.0 – 05-04-2013

# Fixed issue with Joomla 3 whereby on saving template settings, warp exited the edit screen # Changed the way config.xml reads color fields. Now uses the native warp text field rather than color field # Fixed issues with bootstrap.css in Joomla 3 # Improved pricing tables css plus other minor css improvements ^ Merged script.js and template.js to optimize load time ^ Updated Widgetkit Component to v 1.4.1 ^ Changed order of css loading; custom.css now loaded last - Removed color admin field [warp config] - Removed acymailing from quickstart; the styling though still remains - Redundant color pickers have been omitted, namely: sheet_shadow_color, header_content_color, rights_color, rights_link_color, rights_link_color_hover, all kunena color options, table_header_bottom_border 

1.1.9 – 03-04-2013

+ Added checksum verification for template files ^ Updated warp framework to 6.4.0 ^ Updated ZOO Component to v 3.0.11 ^ Updated K2 component to v 2.6.5 ^ Updated Acymailing component to v 4.2.0 ^ Updated roksprocket component to v 1.8.7 # Improved K2 styling and overrides # Fixed bug with K2 comments in Joomla 3 # Minor CSS/JS improvements # Improved vertical side menu; show current active sub menu on page load

1.1.8 – 22-01-2013

^ Updated warp framework to 6.3.3 ^ Updated Widgetkit Component to v 1.3.5 ^ Updated Kunena forum component to v 2.0.4 ^ Updated reveal plugin to v 1.1

1.1.7 – 17-01-2013

+ Added support for Joomla 3.0.2 (template and quickstart included) + Added lycose admin template (J 2.5) + Added three new fonts: Abel, Source Sans Pro, Open sans + Added 4 new showcase overlays + Added mosaic filterable portfolio + Added support for K2 ^ Updated the background textures ^ Updated warp framework to 6.3.2 ^ Updated ZOO Component to v 3.0.8 ^ Updated Widgetkit Component to v 1.3.3 ^ Updated Google map plugin to v 2.18 ^ Updated Acymailing newsletter component to v 4.0.1 ^ Updated rokcandy to v 1.5.0 ^ Updated roksprocket component to v 1.8.2 ^ Updated Kunena forum component to v 2.0.3 ^ Integrated colored sidebar navigation to Joomla native menu. ^ Improved Slider responsiveness to show title in smaller device screens ^ Improved CSS3 tags. now you can choose color in template settings ^ Improved widgetkit audio/video player skin # Fixed issue with FAQS/toggles in IE8 -> Updated FAQ macro shortcode; more info here: # Fixed issue with Category dropdown filter # Minor CSS/JS improvements - Deprecated tooltip.js -> changed script.js - Deprecated the HTML version of vertical menu - Dropped support for GK tabs in favor of roksprocket tabs 

1.1.6 – 01-10-2012

^ Updated warp framework to 6.2.6 ^ Updated ZOO to v 2.6.6 ^ Updated Kunena forum and fontaine kunena template to v 2.0.2 + Added rokSprocket component with slider styling - deprecated image preloader due to relative path issue in IE9 when using SEO friendly URLs 

1.1.5 – 24-08-2012

^ Updated warp to 6.2.5 # Fixed issue with logo module position/tag-line  ^ Updated ZOO to v 6.2.4 ^ Updated widgetkit to v 1.2.2 # Minor CSS improvements + full-page layered PSD added 

1.1.4 – 07-08-2012

^ Updated warp to 6.2.3 # Fixed issue with copyright module position when used without the footer module # Fixed module position issue whereby last module dropped to next row - Removed 'back to top' title from scroll to top arrow. # Fixed black outline border on lightbox # Fixed the overflow on the vertical navigation menu (1.1.3) + Widgetkit slideshow styling for home-slide style now available for non-quickstart installation (1.1.2) 

1.1.1 – 21-07-2012

^ updated menu.css to fix height of text seperator when used on level1 menu # Tidied up template.php

1.1.0 – 11-7-2012

^ updated warp to 6.2.2 + Responsive design. 

1.0.0 – 03-07-2012

+ Initial Release

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